Directing Offers to Prospects with Proven Purchase Intent

Serious Intent Mechanism

The Serious-Intent Mechanism allows manufacturers and retailers to direct exclusive pre-sale services and highly competitive offers to consumers at a critical time: when these consumers have decided that they want to purchase a particular type of high-ticket product or service, but when they are still making up their minds which particular product or brand to buy.

For instance, a consumer who is in the market for a new television is offered a $40 discount for watching ten minutes of point of purchase advertisements that closely fit his purchase interest. The payment is contingent on his purchase records later confirming that he indeed bought a television — although not necessarily the advertised brands — within a certain time after watching the commercials. In this manner, the advertisers are assured that they paid to reach a buyer at the time of purchase, and the consumer receives an unusually high reward for receiving timely product information.
Other consumers could make earnest (or neutral) deposits that strongly signal that they are going to buy a high ticket item, and are willing to put “skin in the game” in exchange for exceptional deals and/or service from sellers. For instance, consumers who are looking to buy a car make a $100 deposit to prove that they are indeed in the market for such a car. Car dealers will be much more willing to direct superior pre-sale services and resources at these consumers than with those typical walk-in consumers who are undecided about when or if to buy a car. For instance, a car dealer might be willing to pick up these consumers for a test drive at their home, or let them do a "24-hour test drive." Consumers lose the $100 deposit only if they do not purchase any car in the subsequent months, but they are not locked into buying a particular model or brand.

Consumers who participate in the frequent buyer club will also be able to declare their intent to purchase certain products. They will be rated for their later completion of such purchases, and will be able to use these ratings to qualify for special deals.